Financial Planning

P&C Lifetime Partners support a variety of clients to plan for and go through life changing and key financial events.  Helping them attain financial independence and achieve more of their ambitions through a truly client focused approach.

Too few clients really understand what they want and need over their financial lifetime, so have no means to establish how much is enough?  Sometimes they work longer than they need to, make sacrifices/ compromises they don’t need to or run more risk with their investments than they need to.

Financial Planning helps you understand your current position and how this may look in the future.

We help clients to lift the haze on future aspirations and goals and then put in a financial plan to give clarity on how to achieve them, highlighting any gaps and actions that need to be considered on the way.

Our clients are at many different life stages and have varying financial needs, ranging from accumulating their wealth all the way through to retirement.

The key areas that contribute to our planning are typically:

  • Pension and Investment planning
    • Am I saving enough?
    • Am I taking the right level of risk?
  • Retirement planning
    • When can I retire?
    • Will my money run out?

The value of investments and pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

  • Protecting your wealth against illness and death
    • What would happen to my family if I were to die or suffer a serious illness?
  • Estate Planning
    • How much inheritance tax will my family pay?
    • Will my preferred beneficiaries actually get what I want them to, when they want them to?
    • What will happen to my business and the shareholding?

Estate planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

How We Do this Most Effectively